A long term customer contacted us recently when a website hosted with another provider was rendered unavailable after a service update.
They were using a Concrete5 site with some older plugins that were not compatible with a MySQL database system update that was performed by their hosting company. Unfortunately that host was unable or unwilling to roll back the MySQL update and refused to help the customer get the site running again.
We were able to work with the customer to migrate the filebase and back end database to Solis Servers where we could begin the process of working out which of the many modules were causing the site to crash. The expertise of our partners at Litchfield Morris, who are Concrete5 experts, meant we got the client back up and running on Solis Servers with enough functionality for them to start the task of rebuilding the site fully.
Not what we had in mind for a Wednesday evening after hours, but entertaining none the less!
Sincere thanks to RB and the team at Litchfield Morris for their help.